Author: healthevolved

Ultra-processed Foods. The Bane of Obesity?

Alright, let’s talk about food. Now, this is an interesting topic. Individuals who struggle with obesity are constantly told if they would just stop eating so much, they wouldn’t have obesity. The reality of the matter is that obesity is much more complicated than just ‘eating less.’ However, today, we will talk about food – particularly ultra-processed foods and their role in obesity development.

In this post, find out what ultra-processed foods are, why they get such a bad rap, and what the science says about them.

Do we need to cut ultra-processed food out of our diets?

Contrave: a new kid on the weight loss medication block?

Ozempic isn’t the only weight-loss medication on the block. Today, I want to talk about Contrave! The new but old kid on the block. What do I mean by that? Well, the medication known as Contrave is newish to the market, especially the Canadian market, but it is made up of two older medications that have both been around for some time! A few geniuses in our world realized that bupropion and naltrexone on their own lead to some weight-loss, and they thought, “Well, if one is good. More is better?” They were right! But, how does it work? Get some answers with me here!

EP 55 – Insulin Resistance! Is it the cause or the result of Obesity?

Insulin Resistance – Another movie in the Star Wars series? Or another medical term that Social Media Force has co-opted to try and sell you another health product? Maybe you have heard that it is the cause or the result of obesity and weight gain? There are a lot of questions, and I want to provide you with some clarification on: What is Insulin Resistance? What is the cause? If we can develop it, can we do anything about it? Join me for this audio replay of my webinar about insulin resistance and weight management. 

Are we doing Intermittent Fasting wrong?!

Time Restricted Feeding or TRF. Let me tell you about it! I mean, technically, it is a form of Intermittent Fasting (IF). You know, the diet where millennials made skipping breakfast cool? For those of you who do not know about IF, basically, it is a method of eating where you alternate between fasting and eating periods. Hence the title, intermittent fasting or intermittent eating, but the latter does not sound nearly as cool – which my generation places in high regard. I’m diving into the research behind IF and TRF to find out if we are doing it all wrong, or have some people gotten it right?

Medications for Obesity. A lifelong endeavour?

Obesity is a chronic disease. Similar to how we manage high blood pressure and diabetes, many individuals will need not only lifestyle interventions but also medications. There is nothing wrong with this fact, but the question is: “Do I need to stay on this medication for life?!”

EP 54 – Lipoedema, Lymphedema and Obesity with Maranda Kay

Lipoedema is generally described as an asymmetric and circumferential increase in the fat of the buttocks, hips, and legs. Lymphedema is most commonly caused by the removal of or damage to your lymph nodes as a part of cancer treatment. It results from a blockage in your lymphatic system, which is part of your immune system. In this episode, Dr.Dan and Maranda discuss the real reasons behind both diseases and why it is so often misdiagnosed.

Insulin Resistance and Weight Management – Webinar Replay

In this webinar, we are talking about Insulin Resistance. Maybe you have heard that it is the cause or the result of obesity and weight gain? There are a lot of questions and I want to provide you with some clarification on: What is Insulin Resistance? What is the cause? If we can develop it can we do anything about it?

Expectations and the ‘What If’ Principle

Expectations. We all have them. We expect things of ourselves and we expect things of others. Unmet expectations can foster frustration, guilt, disappointment, failure, resentment, you name it. What if you tried something with no particular expectation or end goal in mind? Introducing the ‘What if?’ Principle, which could help you drop your expectations and the issues that come with them.

Complexity Bias

Humans tend to overthink and overanalyze just about everything. The reason being? Well, in part, we have an annoying emotional brain that likes to give us crippling anxiety. We are also biased that the solutions to our seemingly complex problems have to be equally complex or how on earth would our problem actually be solved.

EP 53 – Managing your Weight in the New Year

Losing weight and keeping it off is hard AF because the CEO part of your body is lazy. In this episode, we focus on expectations and what sustainable weight management, weight loss, and wellness actually look like. I guide you through how you can change your mindset, set appropriate goals, and understand the importance of consistency. We also review some basic principles around nutrition and activity. Most importantly, we put a spotlight on what is most important – You and Your Health. Join our conversation and email us if you want to know more.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.