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How to manage your weight in the New Year and create lasting changes – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on January 12th, 2022. In this webinar, I discuss expectations and sustainable weight-management, weight-loss and what wellness actually looks like. I guide you through how you can change your mindset, set appropriate goals, and understand the importance of consistency. I also review some basic principles around nutrition and activity.

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What and how to eat for Weight-loss? – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on October 20th, 2021. In this talk, I am reviewing the science of whether calories matter, whether protein is what we need to focus on, and how we can start working towards weight loss and, most importantly, a healthier lifestyle!

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Starvation Mode, Metabolic Adaptation, or Broken Metabolism? – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on September 22nd, 2021. Does it seem like no matter what you do, you are unable to lose weight? Maybe, you’re even noticing weight gain instead!?! A google search will give you too many answers. Is your metabolism broken? Is your body in starvation mode and trying to hold onto as much fat as possible? Or, is it that newfangled metabolic adaptation?

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Managing your Weight with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – Webinar Replay

This ticketed webinar originally aired live Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 6 pm MST. In this webinar, Dr. Dan reviewed what PCOS is and why it may cause not only weight gain but make it very challenging to lose weight. Is there a particular diet that can help? What strategies can support managing weight with PCOS? Ticketholders can access a replay of the live webinar at any time through Eventbrite.

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Insulin Resistance and Weight Management – Webinar Replay

In this webinar, we are talking about Insulin Resistance. Maybe you have heard that it is the cause or the result of obesity and weight gain? There are a lot of questions and I want to provide you with some clarification on: What is Insulin Resistance? What is the cause? If we can develop it can we do anything about it?

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Intermittent Fasting – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.

In this webinar, we are talking about intermittent fasting and the evidence around it. Is it just another diet fad? Are the health claims true or are there potential risks?

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Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.