Are you struggling with a health condition?
You may have recently been diagnosed or have been living with a health condition for some time. Either way, dealing with your health is stressful and can cause a lot of uncertainty. What lifestyle changes do you need to make? Where do you start? There’s so many questions and even more conflicting information. It can be very overwhelming.
You want to take control of your health and your life. You don’t want to question every meal, remember to take pills, or live with the shame and guilt of an unhealthy lifestyle. You’ve probably tried going to gym, going on a diet, and drinking fancy shakes but failed to see results. That can be very discouraging. And make you feel like there’s no point in trying again.
But we don’t offer a quick fix, fad diet or complicated workout program. We offer you a chance to change your life. Our focus is on creating a lasting lifestyle that is realistic for you, even if nothing has worked in the past.
We work with clients who are living with:
- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Sleep Apnea
- High Cholesterol
- Osteoarthritis
- Previous Heart Attack or Stroke
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Improved Health & Weight Loss

Do you ever wonder why other diets or programs fail? It’s because they only focus on one aspect of health, usually diet and exercise. However, the human body is a complex system; we have emotions, defeating thoughts, hormones and existing medical conditions. All these factors need to be considered and monitored to build a healthy lifestyle. Our holistic approach takes all of this into consideration when designing your program.
Holistic Lifestyle Changes

We work with real people, and real professionals to achieve real results. We use a holistic approach to understand all facets of an individual and what has contributed to their current weight and health status. With this insight we are able to enlighten and create customized solutions for lasting weight-loss. Many of our patients come to us because they are ready for a change. A lasting change.
Our holistic approach addresses each human aspect to design a customized program that will be successful for YOU. We look at
Existing Conditions
Many of our clients suffer from chronic conditions such as sleep apnea, diabetes and high blood pressure
Biological Considerations
Hormonal and physiological changes that occur as we age
Emotional Responses
Many of our client’s come use eating as a coping mechanism in response to life stressors or boredom
Psychological State
Cognitive distortions that can lead to all-or-nothing mentality, binge eating, and/or restrictive eating, etc.
Step 1: Enlightenment
We will do a full assessment to determine where you are at in your health journey. In the process we provide education and enlightenment to identify the habits and behaviours that are having a negative impact on your health.
Step 2: Intentions
With enlightenment we can develop our intentions for change. Together our team works with you to analyze and formulate a customized strategy that fits your lifestyle.
Step 3: Execution
We find what works for You. Change, and life in general for that matter, is a process of trial and error. You will fail, but as a warrior you know from failure comes learnings. That does not mean it’s easy and our team will check in with you continuously to empower you to overcome your failures as quickly as possible.
Step 4: Belief
This is where the magic happens. As we refine your plan your success will become increasingly apparent, you will fail less often and change will happen more rapidly. Your inner warrior will become stronger and your belief that I CAN DO THIS, I can lose weight and keep it off will be realized as you move towards Mastery!
Step 5: Mastery
Mastery is not perfection. Perfection is impossible. You will still have bad days, and life will still take its toll. However, when you reach habit mastery you will have the skills and framework to identify, adapt and overcome any challenges you might face. No longer will you ‘fall off the wagon’ and not be able to get back on. During stressful times you might revert back to old patterns but, this time you will be able to catch yourself and get back on track.
Reach Your Goals
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