Author: healthevolved

EP 46 – How Implicit Discrimination Can Lead to Eating Disorders

We are stuck in the mindset that obesity is our own fault. Discrimination and body image hate will cause more eating disorder problems than anything else. We endure shame, hate, and displeasure and it may drive you to binge-eating. How to move past that discrimination and get out of the box people put you in? Is losing weight the only way to feel better again and getting back the self-worth you have handed away? Let’s talk about it. Tune in now.

EP 45 – The Best Surgeries and Medications for Weight Management

Obesity management starts with three pillars: lifestyle management and readjustments, medication options, and perhaps even pediatric surgery. Three pillars we need to apply to start managing your body weight, your mental health, and overall well being. In today’s episode with Kelly, Dr. Dan introduces different types of surgeries for obesity management, medication prescribed for the patients, and how mastering your habits and developing skills can help everyone change their environment. Tune in now.

EP 44 – How to Break Free from The Perfection Mindset and Improve Your Eating Habits

What’s perfection? We poison our own thoughts and think there are all the factors against us which leads you to think that we’re not good enough, you’re not perfect and we reflect self-blame and shame on us. Falling off the wagon and trying to get back on it is a challenge itself. We’re on the journey of losing weight but not achieving perfection. How to break free from the perfection mindset? How to achieve mastery? Listen now to another inspiring episode of Big Fat Facts podcast with Dr. Dan and Kelly Moen.

EP 43 – The Difference between WANTING and LIKING Food

You crave pizza or brownies, yet the inner self denies it. What’s the difference between liking those foods or wanting those? The receptors in our brain fire up when the thoughts of delightful dishes come to mind. Wanting that food is such an urge that even if we try to fight it, we break and give in. There’s a negative outcome if we always give in to every craving. Learn more about liking and wanting in today’s episode of Big Fat Facts podcast with Dr. Dan and Kelly Moen. Enjoy.

EP 42 – Resiliency, boundaries, and kindness for the Strong Independent Women with Jennifer Wiebe

Worldwide, there is often an expectation that women should be “everything” and “do it all.” Women are resilient, affectionate, powerful and strong, but this expectation can be challenging! What is the harm in this expectation, and how can it be adjusted?

EP 41 – Is Weight Loss Really that Challenging? With Kelly Moen

The short term aspect of keeping the weight off is kind of easy. Even losing weight is not so extremely hard. But keeping that weight off in long term is very challenging. We have to look at the environment around us, how that affects us on the long-distance, and can we apply the bio-psycho-social elements to creating a better space for ourselves. Today, we are joined by Kelly Moen, an obesity therapist and healthcare professional, who’s passionately helping people with their mental health and mindset. Tune in again for another episode of the Big Fat Facts Podcast.

EP 40 – Obesity in Animals. Not just a human pandemic – with Dr. Carling Matejka

Obesity is a disease. It’s not just humans whose health is affected by it. Animals also experience it. In today’s episode of Big Fat Facts podcast, we have a special guest joining in to discuss obesity with pets. Dr. Carling Matejka is a full-time mixed animal veterinarian and part-time emergency veterinarian dedicated to improving the human-animal bond. Are you rewarding your pets in the right way? And what is a typical treatment plan for an obese animal? Let’s talk about obesity with animals.

EP 39 – STOP Shoulding Yourself with Dr Dan and Queen Iva

You’d think shoulding is just a part of your daily wondering but what you don’t realize is that it becomes toxic and will affect your mental well-being in the long term. “I should have done that,” is in your daily vocabulary but it shouldn’t be. Change it to ‘I am’ or ‘I’m not’ and focus on the new vision and start moving forward. It’s Mindful Monday without Kelly but we’re building up to some new exciting topics coming up very soon. Tune in now.

EP 38 – Vulnerability Sucks but is Necessary to Change your Habits with Dr. Dan and Queen Iva

Vulnerability is what makes us human. We’re not robots and without feelings, we couldn’t survive. Dan and Ivana are back discussing habits, their formation and defining the hidden elements of them. We’re scared to try new things, say what’s on our mind and reflect openly on the situations because those actions make us vulnerable. We open up and then we end up getting hurt. Our wall goes down. But can we jump again, even if that cliff gets higher every time we fail? Tune in now!

EP 37 – Embracing the Anger Iceberg with Kelly Moen

There are six basic emotions that every culture has. And without speaking the language of the other nation, we can still recognize the emotions they are experiencing. Anger causes us to react in many ways and 90% of the time a snippet of the reason for this emotion is visible. What is beneath the surface and what is the iceberg analogy? It’s Mindful Monday with Kelly Moen and in today’s episode, we discuss this basic emotion – ANGER. Stay tuned!

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