Author: healthevolved

Weight-Loss Medications: Everything you need to know!! – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on Wednesday, March 16th, 2022. In this webinar, I discuss weight-loss medications – their benefits, their challenges and their impact on your life. As always, I put a spotlight on what is most important – YOU and YOUR health. If you’d like to follow along with your own version of the […]

Hair loss with Ozempic and Saxenda?!

I have had several subscribers and followers asking about hair loss with the GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic and Saxenda – they have either been experiencing thinning of their hair OR they know someone who might be experiencing it. Let’s take a look and see what could be the cause.

Metformin and Weight-Loss?

If you have diabetes, you very likely have heard of metformin, or if you have been paying attention to the news in the last couple of years, you may have also heard of it being recalled. Now I am not here to talk about how bad metformin is; actually, quite the opposite! Instead, today we are talking about why some people might lose weight when taking metformin. Let’s go!

Managing Constipation and Diarrhea with Ozempic, Wegovy and Saxenda!

We have dealt with the top end, but what about the back end? Today we are talking about mitigating 2 other common side effects, constipation and diarrhea, that can occur with the GLP-1 receptor agonists such as Ozempic and Saxenda.

But before we get into how we manage those side effects, let’s talk about what constipation and diarrhea actually are.

Managing Nausea from Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity!

Nausea is one of my least favorite bodily sensations to feel. Nonetheless, I am sure every single one of us has experienced nausea, and/or vomiting on many occasions over the course of our lives. The problem with nausea is it is like fatigue, it is nondescript and could have countless causes, everything from early pregnancy to a viral infection and everything in between.

Nausea is also a common side effect of the GLP-1 RAs medications used for diabetes and obesity.

Managing Heartburn from Ozempic/Saxenda!

This will be Part 1 of a multi-part series where I review how to manage the most common side effects that come with the GLP-1 RAs such as Ozempic, Wegovy and Saxenda.

Today we are starting with heartburn! Let’s go!

New Obesity meds? Could Ozempic or Wegovy no longer be the King of the Hill?

Nothing lasts forever. Especially in the world of drug development. A new medication from the drug company Eli Lilly called Tirzepatide will be seeking FDA approval for diabetes management in 2022, and I suspect it will be seeking approval for obesity management shortly thereafter. Trials have been completed, and tirzepatide has been shown to have some very remarkable results not only in managing blood sugars but also in weight-loss. Let’s take a look at the results and see if the King will still be standing!

My Problem with Weight-Loss Medications

I won’t apologize for my clickbait title. In a world where we are flooded with information, one needs to get creative with grabbing people’s attention. I also do have a problem with where Obesity medicine practice is headed and no one seems to be talking about it.

We have the data, we have the knowledge, and we have the agents that can provide additional support in managing an individual’s weight. So why the hell aren’t we doing a better job?

How to manage your weight in the New Year and create lasting changes – Webinar Replay

This webinar originally aired live on January 12th, 2022. In this webinar, I discuss expectations and sustainable weight-management, weight-loss and what wellness actually looks like. I guide you through how you can change your mindset, set appropriate goals, and understand the importance of consistency. I also review some basic principles around nutrition and activity.

Managing the Holidays with Obesity!

The holidays are here! You know I do love this time of year. Everyone seems a little less cranky and more tolerant of my shenanigans. That is why I am forever grateful for the individuals behind the scene that help me put all this content together.

After speaking with a number of clients and patients it is quite apparent that many people are worried about the extra food, the potential weight gain, losing their progress then fighting to get their weight back down again in the New Year. I get it. This has likely been the vicious cycle you have experienced year after year and f*ck wouldn’t it be amazing if this year could be different?

Let’s make this year different, together.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.