Author: healthevolved

EP 61 – Trauma and Choices: How much control do we actually have? With Kelly Moen

“Conscientiousness is often correlated with low body weight, whereas agreeableness may correlate with an obesogenic environment and a larger body.” – Kelly Moen “We are making so many decisions and living our lives when really we’re not paying attention to our brain and the chemicals involved in the movement.” – Kelly Moen Episode Overview How much power […]

EP 60 – Trauma? What Is It and How Does It Manifest In Our Lives with Kelly Moen

Trauma is one of the biggest mental health and behavior issues in our era. Defining the trauma and discovering the cause of it might take ages, but with the evolution of science trauma can become a normal obstacle to handle and get some help.

EP 59 – The Microbiome and Obesity. What is the connection? with Dr. Maryam Kebbe

The microbiome is vulnerable to many different external impacts making treatment a bit diverse, but the common resolution that all doctors and nutritionists agreed on is a good healthy complete diet to help avoid health issues.

EP 58 – The Microbiome. What is it exactly? Why is everyone talking about it so much? With Dr. Maryam Kebbe

Microbiomes and their essential role on the body’s internal system, the discovery of this component of the system function is a must for every human being. Knowledge is the important step that should be taken towards mastering the behaviors of microbiomes and Microbes and their impact.

EP 57 – Too Carb or Not to Carb. That is the question!

The keto diet has been a trend for a lot of people who want to lose weight also it has been a plan that worked for some and not for others, but the main points are to look for a diet that can offer the balance of nutrition for the body and the health, a diet that respects the Micronutrient also the Micronutrient, so the body will have the full access to all its needs and fuel.

What is the BEST Exercise for Weight-loss?

Exercise and weight loss. Weight-loss and exercise. They seem to go hand in hand. Is it true? You’ve probably asked, “What is the BEST exercise for Weight-loss?” if you have ever tried losing weight or wanted to become healthier. In this blog post, we dive into that question and explore the results of a medical review that looks at what exercise really does for weight loss.

My Caffeine Monologue – I gave it up and here’s what happened!

I quit caffeine! I know, what is wrong with me? Not to worry, I have also asked myself this question several times over the last couple of weeks.

Am I saying you need to give up coffee and caffeine? No, not at all. I hope you are drinking a cup of coffee while regaling in my dramatic tales of yesteryear. In this blog post, I tell a bit about my caffeine dependence and my journey to quit. I’ll also answer some questions about caffeine along the way. Like, what does caffeine do to our bodies and what makes it good or bad? Join me on this journey.

Managing your Weight with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – Webinar Replay

This ticketed webinar originally aired live Wednesday, May 19, 2021 @ 6 pm MST. In this webinar, Dr. Dan reviewed what PCOS is and why it may cause not only weight gain but make it very challenging to lose weight. Is there a particular diet that can help? What strategies can support managing weight with PCOS? Ticketholders can access a replay of the live webinar at any time through Eventbrite.

What is the Golden Ticket to Weight-loss?

So, what is the key to weight-loss? Which diet is the best? Which supplement or magic pill will make it all happen? The lifestyle and fitness industries are currently worth billions of dollars and it is predicated on selling you the lie that you are not worthy if you are overweight, obese, and unhealthy. For every single diet or craze that has hit the market, I can find you at least one individual for whom this particular diet or method worked, and allowed them to finally lose weight. However, it wasn’t their special diet or supplement that made it possible for them to lose weight. How you can make the right choice for you when it comes to weight management?

EP 56 – When is too much, too much? With Kelly Moen

The external society effect and the pressure that it is applied on people nowadays is way beyond imagination, the Economical, Environmental, and social impacts are becoming bigger and bigger, although finding life balance takes more effort and focus from people, so they can take a step further to achieve a better life and a healthy happy life with their individual and unique vision of being alive.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.