Author: healthevolved

EP 6 – Long-term Care Residents and COVID, with Marija

We don’t like change but we can adapt. Moving from home to a long-term care facility is a real transition that can take months to finalize. During this COVID pandemic, people have been isolated from their families and even though there is some real connection to their family members, individuals in the long-term care places experience more challenges every day. In this episode, Ivana chats with her friend Marija about the current situation and what has changed.

EP 5 – Wellness during COVID with Jen Wiebe

What do you consider to be wellness for you? Taking care of your body, mind and soul should be considered more important than all the work you’re doing for a paycheck. Today we are joined by Jen Wiebe to talk about our wellbeing and things we do to get our lives organized, why we need to set boundaries and kickstart our journey. We share some laughter and humor and discuss the dating world during the pandemic. Have a listen! Do you agree with us?

EP 4 – The 2nd Interview with Kelly Moen

Our mental health is as important as our physical health. In the wave of this pandemic, many of us are experiencing distress, anxiety and even depression. Is there a unique way to reduce our stress level and could a safety kit help us survive the most awful moments?

EP 3 – Interview with Jennifer Wiebe and Jonathan

COVID-19 virus is highly contagious and while pretty much the whole world has shut down, there are still people who don’t know why physical distancing and washing hands can help us beat this pandemic.

EP 2 – How to Deal with Shame and Anxiety during the Pandemic, with Kelly Moen

We have created this routine for us and now, we have to change it. All of this may cause a lot of anxiety and even depression when people have isolated themselves from the rest of the crowd.

EP 1 – Introduction to Dan and Ivana & How is COVID-19 Affecting our Lives

Welcome to our podcast. In the first episode, we’d like you to get to know us. Two introverts who live in different provinces of Canada but share the same passion for a healthy lifestyle and often ponder about the daily surprises. We are in the middle of a pandemic and working toward learning from the situation.

Treat Yourself as you Treat Those you Love

If you want to build self-confidence, live happier, and feel less guilt or shame during your weight loss journey – it begins with how you speak to yourself.

Perspective is Everything

Our perspective comes from multiple places – it can depend on your mood, how much sleep you had, preconceived beliefs, etc… AND it can make or break whether you achieve your goals or live a life filled with joy.

How to Build Healthier Habits

For a habit to occur – there must be a CUE – CRAVING – RESPONSE – and a REWARD. Dr. Dan explains to change a habit, you must have all 4 components… especially the right REWARD!

Why is obesity considered a chronic disease?

Have you (or someone you know) lost a lot of weight, only to gain it back (and then some)? We explain why diets don’t work, share a study of 10,000 people who’ve lost weight and the reality of how they kept it off.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.