Author: healthevolved

Who do you want to be?

Do you know the difference between outcome-based goals and identity-based goals? To lose weight (permanently), and shift toward a healthier lifestyle… identifying ‘who you want to become’ and learning identity-based goals is a must.

Activity: How to Draft a WHY Statement

Last week we covered how knowing your ‘WHY’ (your purpose) can fundamentally change your life. Unsure of what your purpose is? Don’t know how to come up with a WHY statement? This week, Dr. Dan gives us a step-by-step breakdown of how to draft a WHY statement – using the same methodology as Simon Sinek, author of “Starts With WHY”.

Find Your WHY; Live a More Fulfilling Life

HE believes a truly fulfilling life isn’t centered around goals and outcomes – it’s centered around your purpose. Continually refining and trying to live each day… better than the next. Read on!

Struggling with New Year’s Resolutions? Are you too focused on the WRONG thing?

You set out with solid resolutions last week. This week, they seem tougher to stick to. Why is it so hard to make changes? What if we told you it might be because you’re too focused on the WRONG THING? Read the blog to find out what might be hindering your success!

How do YOU feel about New Year’s Resolutions?

Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? Are you dead set against them? Either way, if you’re reading this.. there’s a good chance you’re on a journey toward a healthier you. Read this blog for tips on how to make change sustainable (and avoid the fizzle that tends to happen come February).

From Fiesta… To Siesta!

Why do we often feel like a nap after a large meal? What types of food tend to make us feel lazy? During the holidays, many of us succumb to overeating and the ‘food coma’ that follows. There are many theories on why this happens – Ivana breaks them down…

Most things we fear won’t actually happen

Sometimes we let fear take over. We choose to NOT partake in an activity, or avoid doing the things we want to do. Why? Because we’re afraid of the unknown? The thing is… most often, the things we fear don’t actually happen. In this blog, I share how I overcame a fear of open water and experienced a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Prostate Cancer 101

We’re in the thick of Movember and this month is all about Prostate Cancer. What is Prostate Cancer? What are the symptoms of Prostate Cancer…? And how to detect it. Our friends from hit this blog out of the park!

Change Hurts So Good

Hope is not lost. Although nature can get in our way at times, nurture can help us. We can LEARN to be more adaptable to change. Whether you are about to encounter a change or are in the middle of a transition, these 12 tips can be helpful to ease your mind.

New Earrings, New Me

Sometimes you’re not ready for change, but change is ready for you. Ivana Anusic, Co-Founder of Healthcare Evolution, shares a story about dealing with change – particularly one that deals with emotion.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.

Try My New Calorie Calculator!

Calculate your daily calorie and protein targets to help you achieve your weight goals.